AVIATION.f | Subroutines related to aviation |
blockIO.c | |
BNDLYR.f | Subroutine that computes boundary layer fields |
BOUND.f | Bound() clips data in passed array |
CALDRG.f | Subroutine that computes drag cofficient |
CALDWP.f | Subroutine related to dewpoint temperature |
CALGUST.f | Subroutine that computes max wind level |
CALHEL.f | Subroutine that computes storm relative helicity |
CALHEL2.f | Subroutine that computes storm relative helicity |
CALHEL3.f | Subroutine that computes storm relative helicity |
CALLCL.f | Subroutine that computes LCL heights and pressure |
CALMCVG.f | Subroutine that computes moisture convergence |
CALMICT.f | Subroutine that computes hydrometeors |
CALPBL.f | Subroutine that computes PBL height based on bulk RCH number |
CALPBLREGIME.f | Subroutine that computes PBL height based on bulk RCH number |
CALPOT.f | Subroutine that computes potential temperature |
CALPW.f | Subroutine that computes precipitable water |
CALRAD_WCLOUD_newcrtm.f | Subroutine that computes model derived brightness temperature |
CALRCH.f | Subroutine that computes GRD RCH number |
CALSTRM.f | Subroutine that computes geo streamfunction |
CALTAU.f | Subroutine that computes U and V wind stresses |
CALTHTE.f | Subroutine that computes Theta-E |
CALUPDHEL.f | Subroutine that computes the updraft helicity |
CALVIS.f | |
CALVOR.f | Subroutine that computes absolute vorticity |
CALWXT.f | |
CALWXT_BOURG.f | Subroutine that calculate precipitation type (Bourgouin) |
CANRES.f | |
CLDRAD.f | Subroutine that post SNDING/CLOUD/RADTN fields |
CLMAX.f | |
CMASSI.f | |
COLLECT.f | Subroutine that collect gathers from all MPI tasks |
COLLECT_LOC.f | Subroutine that collect gathers from all MPI tasks |
CTLBLK.f | |
cuparm.f | |
DEALLOCATE.f | MPI_FIRST set up message passing info |
DEWPOINT.f | Subroutine that computes dewpoints from vapor pressure |
ETAMP_Q2F.f | |
ETCALC.f | |
EXCH.f | Subroutines that exchange one halo row |
EXCH2.f | |
FDLVL.f | Subroutine that computes T, Q, U, V on the flight levels (FD) |
FGAMMA.f | |
FILL_PSETFLD.f | Fill_psetfld() reads post xml control file |
FIXED.f | |
FRZLVL.f | Subroutine that computes FRZING LVL, Z and RH |
FRZLVL2.f | Subroutine that computes FRZING LVL, Z and RH |
GET_BITS.f | Get_bits() computes number of bits and round field |
get_postfilename.f | |
getIVariableN.f | |
getlvls.f | |
getVariable.f | |
GFIP3.f | |
GFSPOST.F | Pvetc() computes potential vorticity, etc |
GFSPOSTSIG.F | Rtsig() reads and transforms sigma file |
GPVS.f | Gpvs() computes saturation vapor pressure table |
grib2_module.f | |
gtg_algo.F90 | |
gtg_compute.F90 | |
gtg_config.F90 | |
gtg_ctlblk.F90 | |
gtg_filter.F90 | |
gtg_indices.F90 | |
gtg_smoothseams.F90 | |
INITPOST.F | Initpost() initializes post for run |
INITPOST_GFS_NEMS_MPIIO.f | Initpost_gfs_nems_mpiio() initializes post for run |
INITPOST_NEMS.f | Initpost_nems() initializes post for run |
INITPOST_NETCDF.f | Initpost_netcdf() initializes post for run |
intio_tags.f | |
intio_tags.h | |
io_int_stubs.f | |
kinds_mod.F | This module is to hold specification kinds for variable declaration |
LFMFLD.f | Lfmfld() computes layer mean LFM fields |
LFMFLD_GFS.f | Lfmfld_gfs() computes layer mean LFM fields |
LOOKUP.f | |
machine.f | |
map_routines.F90 | |
MASKS_mod.f | |
MDL2AGL.f | |
MDL2P.f | Mdl2p() computes vert intrp of model lvls to pressure |
MDL2SIGMA2.f | |
MDL2STD_P.f | Mdl2std_p() vert intrp of model lvls to standard atmospheric pressure |
MDL2THANDPV.f | Mdl2thandpv() vert intrp of model lvls to isentropic and PV |
MDLFLD.f | |
MISCLN.f | |
MIXLEN.f | |
MPI_LAST.f | |
MSFPS.f | Msfps() computes the map scale factor for a polar stereographic grid at a give latitude |
native_endianness.f | This module, native_endianness, was written by Dusan Jovic and has been adapted to GSI for internal translation of WRF ARW and NMM binary restart files as required to match the machine native endian storage format |
NGMFLD.f | Ngmfld() computes layer mean NGM fields |
NGMSLP.f | |
OTLFT.f | Otlft() computes lifted index |
OTLIFT.f | Otlift() computes SFC to 500mb lifted index |
PARA_RANGE.f | Para_range() sets up decomposition values |
PARAMR.f | |
params.F | |
physcons.f | |
PROCESS.f | Process() is a driver for major post routines |
READ_xml.f | |
retrieve_index.f | Retrieve_index() gets record number of desired variable |
RHGRD.f | |
SCLFLD.f | Sclfld() scale array element by constant |
SELECT_CHANNELS.f | Select_channels() verifies channel information |
SERVER.f | |
SET_OUTFLDS.f | @ brief set_outflds() reads post xml control file |
SETUP_SERVERS.f | Setup_servers() setups I/O servers |
SLP_new.f | |
SLP_NMM.f | |
SMOOTH.f | Smooth() smooths a meteorological field using Shapiro smoother |
SNFRAC.f | |
SOIL_mod.f | |
SPLINE.f | |
SURFCE.f | |
svptbl.f | |
TABLE.f | |
TABLEQ.f | |
TRPAUS.f | Trpaus() computes tropopause data |
TRPAUS_NAM.f | Trpaus() computes tropopause data |
TTBLEX.f | |
UPP_MATH.f | Upp_math is a collection of UPP subroutines for numerical math functions calculation |
UPP_PHYSICS.f | Upp_physics is a collection of UPP subroutines for physics variables calculation |
VRBLS2D_mod.f | |
VRBLS3D_mod.f | |
VRBLS4D_mod.f | |
WETFRZLVL.f | Wetfrzlvl() computes level of 0 wet bulb |
wrf_io_flags.f | |
wrf_io_flags.h | |
WRFPOST.f | Wrfpost() drives the external wrf post processor |
xml_perl_data.f | |
ZENSUN.f | Zensun() makes sun zenith and sun azimuth angle |