subroutine | g2sec3tmpl40 (nx, nY, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, lad, ds1, len3, igds, ifield3) |
subroutine | gengrb2msg (idisc, icatg, iparm, nprm, nlvl, fldlvl1, fldlvl2, ntrange, tinvstat, datafld1, cgrib, lengrib) |
subroutine, public | grib_info_finalize |
subroutine, public | grib_info_init () |
subroutine, public | gribit2 (post_fname) |
subroutine, public | read_grib2_head (filenameG2, nx, ny, nz, rlonmin, rlatmax, rdx, rdy) |
subroutine, public | read_grib2_sngle (filenameG2, ntot, height, var) |
logical, public | first_grbtbl |
integer, public | nrecout |
integer, public | num_pset |
type(paramset_t), save, public | pset |
Definition at line 1 of file grib2_module.f.
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